Use of Spell Checkers
Oh, weight ... this is not about spell checkers.
All of the words in the list below will be approved by you're speil checker. This
is about picking the right word during the writing process. A spell checker will
not help, unless it has artificial intelligence regarding
And proper use of apostrophes.
Walla! Here they are:
- its | it's
- to | too | and sometimes two
- your | you're
- their | there | they're
- of | off
- than | then
- were | we're | where
- hear | here
- lose | loose
- whose | who's
- voilĂ | walla!
- ad | add
- an | and
- advice | advise ( I can advice you with some good advise )
- affect | effect
- brake | break ( your motorcycle or car does not have disc breaks )
- peak | peek | and sometimes pique
- wreak | reek | reak ( and havoc ensued )
- metal | mettle
- pedal | petal ( put the petal to the mettle )
- peace | piece 1
- quit | quite | quiet
- per se | per say ( there is no 'per say' )
- soul | sole ( a sole is a flatfish )
- moot | mute ( I am not making a mute point )
- pain | pane ( did you brake a window pain? )
- site | sight | cite ( this is not a web sight )
- should of | would of ( should've | would've | should have | would have )
- whether | weather | wether 2
- champagne | champaign ( you can only drink one of these )
- for | fore ( this lotion is fore skin )
- do | due
- dual | duel
- seam | seem (you seam to have a tare in your seem)
- collage | college
- lam | lamb ( a fugitive is not "on the lamb" )
- magnet | magnate ( I suppose you could be a rich oil magnet )
- waist | waste
- which | witch
- baited | bated ( you don't put your breath on a fish hook )
- border | boarder ( B&B in a nearby state? )
- may be | maybe ( It maybe that you picked the wrong word )
- plague | plaque ( if you die of the plaque, I'll raise a plague for you )
- patience | patients ( doctor: "my patients was getting pretty low" )
- poring | pouring
- no | know | new | knew
- through | threw
- throes | throws
- mown | moan
- stationary | stationery (your email background graphic won't move)
- toe | tow (No, you do not "tow the line")
- a lot | allot ( I allot a lot of examples here )
- grocers apostrophe's
There are thousands more, off course. Here is an
extensive list
might be interested in reading.
So don't loose you're cool! Proofread. Think before you send. None of this
should be difficult if you have advanced to at least middle school. Okay, if
English is not your primary language, some leeway is allowed; otherwise, you
should not make any misteaks with the above words, or there usage.
Why are they called grocers' apostrophes?
| 100yds AHEAD |
| CUKE'S |
| BEET'S |
| |
| |
Lately, the ubiquitous grocer's' apostrophe seems to have taken on a
new name. This may be due to the continued growth of the "supermarket" as real
grocers disappear. The modern term seems to be:
feral apostrophe!
Alas, soon we may have to depend on the roadside signs to find apostrophes from
grocers'. (Or not.)
A mind is a terrible thing to waist.
- Recently, I read an article on the MacWorld web site. The author wrote,
"I penned a little reaction peace entitled iDisappointed, expressing my dismay at
the lack of Mac hardware updates." And World Piece to you as well.
- A wether is a male sheep, especially a castrated one; not "it is raining."
Yes, there is humor involved on this page.

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