15 April, 2008: Welcome to the home of Beauregard T. Shagnasty's Playpen.
Why tekrider? Well, it was available, while techrider
was not; that domain seems to belong to a young man in Oslo, though there is only a
parking page at this writing. Oh, and my spouse says "Tek" is modern Nerdic geek-speak. Note also that
belongs to a fellow in Ontario, Canada who sells snowmobile clothing. No relation...
I have been a motorcycle rider for about 64 years, and a technical guy for all of my employed life, but I am now retired. I have ridden somewhere a bit over a half-million miles on two wheels.
This is a simple hobby web site which began life in 2008 and hasn't been updated much since then.
We all see a lot of web pages with visitor or hit counters on them. So why should I skip that normally-useless bit of fluff? Therefore:
You are visitor number
since yesterday.
Yes, it's a joke, and just a random number generator. It's sad that I've had to explain that.